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아레오파고스 언덕(Areopagus Hill). 아테네(Athens) 본문


아레오파고스 언덕(Areopagus Hill). 아테네(Athens)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 25. 08:20

아레오파고스(Areopagus Hill). 아테네(Athens). 그리스(Greece)


그리스어로  Άρειος Πάγος. Hill of Ares.


  The Areopagus, a rocky outcrop approximately 115 m high, is situated between three other hills, the Acropolis, the Pnyx, & the Kolonos Agoraios, Its name probably derives from Ares, the god of war, & the Ares-Erinyes or Semnes (also called the Eumenides), underground goddesses of punishment & revenge. A judicial body, the Areopagus Council, met on this hill to preside over cases of murder, sacrilege, & arson. The Areopagus was also a place of religious worship. Among the several sanctuaries located here was that of the Semnes or Eumenides, probably located in a cavity at the northeast side of the hill.

  In the Mycenaean & Geometric periods (1600-700 B.C.) the northern slope of the hill served as a cemetery which contained both vaulted tombs & simple cist graves.

  From the 6th century B.C. onwards the hillside as a whole became a residential quarter belonging to the fashionable district of Melite. Cutting still evident in the bedrock attest to the district's many roads, wells, drains, reservoirs, floors, & irregular buildings. Access to this neighbourhood was provided by stairways cut right into the living rock.

 By the Late Roman period (4th-6th centuries A.C.) four luxury houses, which probable served as philosophical schools - located at the north slope of the hill - had supplanted the houses of the Classical era.

  The Areopagus is also associated with the spread of Christianity into Greece. Some time near the middle of the 1st century A.C. the Apostle Paul is said to have converted a number Athenians by teaching the tenets of the new religion from the summit of the hill. Among the converts was Dionysios the Areopagite, the patron saint of the city of Athens, who according to tradition, was the city's first bishop. Remains of a church named in his honor are preserved on the northern slope of the hill

   The church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite was a three-aisled basilica with a narthex at west, central apse, diakonikon (the apse terminating the southern aisle) & prothesis (the apse terminating the northern aisle). Built in the middle of the 16th century, it was probably destroyed by an earthquake in 1601. The church & grounds were completely enclosed to the north & west by the monumental Archbishop's Palace. This two-storey Palace was built between the middle of the 16th & end of the 17th century & consisted of a complex of rooms which included warehouses, a kitchen, a dining hall, & two winepresses.


- 안내문에서 -


The Ancient Agora & its Environs in the 2nd cent. A.C.


Church of St. Dionysios the Areopagite & Archbishop's Palace. Restored Plan


Restored Drawing of the Church of St. Dionysios the Arepagite & the Archbishop's Palace (16th century)



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