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안내문. 스플릿(Split) 본문

발칸반도/크로아티아 (Croatia)

안내문. 스플릿(Split)

세계속으로 2008. 8. 1. 08:00

안내문. 스플릿(Split). 크로아티아(Croatia)


SPLIT : Walking tour


The Old Town & The Diokletian's Palace

 1. Start                                                  2. Diocletian's palace & the basement halls

 3. Riva                                                  4. The castle (Citadel)

 5. Temples                                             6. The square

 7. "Pistura" gate                                      8. Development of town - Venetian bulwarks.

 9. Golden gate                                      10. Peristil & the Cathedral

11. Silver gate                                        12. Lazarettos

13. Matejuska (St. Francis)                        14. Varos suburb

스플릿[SPLIT] "로마시대로 안내하는 크로아티아 최대의 항구도시"
- 아드리아海를 품고있는 휴양도시로서 쾌적한 지중해성 기후와 눈부시게 아름다운 해안경치로 유명한 크로아티아 제2의 도시이다. AD 305년 로마황제 디오클레시아누스는 황제자리에서 스스로 물러난 후 고향과 가까운 이 곳 스플릿에 궁전을 건설하고 말년을 보냈으며, 그리스의 대리석과 이집트의 스핑크스를 가져와 장식할 정도로 많은 애정을 쏟았다. 세계문화유산[Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian, 1979]으로 등록된 구시가지는 궁전을 중심으로 미로처럼 뻗어있으며 신하와 하인들이 생활하던 집터는 상점과 레스토랑/카페등으로 사용되고 있다.  야자수들이 늘어선 오바라 히르바트스코그(Obala Hrvatskog) 거리에서는 노천 BAR들이 빼곡히 들어서있어 밤 늦도록 연인들과 관광객들이 항구와 바다를 바라보며 스플릿의 낭만을 만끽한다. 






Podrumi (Basement Halls)

Visiting Route

Ground plan of the Diocletian Palace basement halls

▨ Under excavation


PODRUMI (Basement Halls)

The ground-floor halls and the corridors of Diocletian's Palace (more commonly called the Basements), which can be reached either by a gate leading from Peristyle, the central square of the Palace, wre originally the supporting substructure of the Emperor's residential quarters, and, consequently, they reflect the layout of the basement halls is an identical projection of the upper-floor halls. The basement substructure enabled the elevation of the Emperor's Palace above the sea level, so the big porch of the southern facade could be adequately exposed to the sun and summer breeze. The whole space of the substructure has not been changed throughout the past centuries; only few, interventions have been virtually made there, e.g. some partition walls were either erected or pulled down.

The basement halls were used for various practical purposes, so the press, probably used either for grapes or olives, dating back to the early Middle Ages, has been preserved until the present day.

Since the city was developing above the substructure level, the basement halls were gradually being filled up with debris and other waste material so they became inaccessible in the course of time. Some fifty years ago, more comprehensive and systematic works of cleaning and rehabilitation of the substructure were started. Therefore, the substructure space is nowadays being used as the site for different activities i.e. exhibitions, concerts, theater performances, trade fairs etc. The large central hall in the axis of the Palace is an important urban communication passage, as it connects the waterfront with Peristyle.

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