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토카피 궁전(Topkapi Sarayi, Topkapi Palace)(2). 이스탄불(Istanbul) 본문


토카피 궁전(Topkapi Sarayi, Topkapi Palace)(2). 이스탄불(Istanbul)

세계속으로 2011. 7. 29. 15:14

토카피 궁전(Topkapi Sarayi, Topkapi Palace)(2).

이스탄불(Istanbul). 터키(Turkey)





















The Tulip Garden

- Sofa Kiosk

- Head Phsician's Tower-Stone Throne

- Lower Gardens of The Imperial Terrace

- Sofa (Terrace) Mosque

- Mecidiye Kiosk- Konyali Restaurant - Change - Telephone - WC

- Wardrobe
















Circumcision Room - Summer Pavilion

This summer pavilion was built by Sultan Ibrahim in 1640. As this place was used for the circumcision ceremonies of the crown princes, it is also called th Circumcision Room


The walls are covered with the rare specimens of Ottoman tiles. The most important of these are the blue & white tile panels influenced by Far-Eastern ceramics on the chamber facade dated 1529.












Baghdad Pavilion

This pavilion was built to commemorate the  Baghdad Campaignn of Murad IV after 1638.

With its tiles dating to the 17th century, mother-of-pearl, tortoise-shell decorated cupboard & window panels, this pavilion is one of last examples of the classical palace architecture.

From the mid-18th century onwards, the building was used as the Library of the Privy Chamber.



























Konyali Restaurant Cafe











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