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Block 6. Prisoners life. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp) 본문


Block 6. Prisoners life. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp)

세계속으로 2012. 7. 22. 12:39

Block 6. Prisoners life.

아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp).






Prisoners held in the concentration camp died from overwork, starvation sadistic punishments, exhaustion after prolonged roll - calls, torture, appalling living conditions, being used for medical experiments, or arbitrary execution. Those too weak or sick to work were picked out by the SS during roll - calls or in the infirmary & sent to the gas chambers or murdered with phenol injections.





                  Jesef Gutman                                                  Josef Micermacher

                      18325                                                               26126

Jew from Poland/born 21.03.1904                            Jew from Poland, born 05.04.0909

                      labourer                                                            shoemaker

deported 03.02.1942. died 22.03.1942                      deported 31.01.1942, died 16.03.1942


                  Hersz Kinstler                                                     Pinkosz Fleiszaker

                      18800                                                                  18315

Jew from Poland, born 25.08.1921                            Jew from Poland, born 14.02.1911

deported 03.02.1942, died 09.11.1943                                         stoneworker

                                                                           deported 03.02.1942, died 01.04.1942


Referral to KL Auschwitz issued by the Security Police Office in Warsaw.

Referral to KL Auschwitz issued by the Security Police & Security Service Office in Radom.

Notification on the arrival of the transport of Jews from Berlin, including the number of people sent

  to the camp & those sent to the gas chambers, sent from KL Auschwitz to the SS Main Reich

  Economic & Administrative Office.






Robbing new arrivals of their property


Beginning of torment - baths




Until spring 1943 almost every KL Auschwitz prisoner was photographed for identification.

Later on only German prisoners & occasionally prisoners of other nationalities were photographed. Jews brought in mass transports were not photographed.






KL Auschwitz was the only Nazi camp where prisoners had their camp numbers tattooed. The reason for this was a huge mortality & difficulties to identify corpses. From autumn 1941 Soviet prisoners of war as well as other prisoners groups were tattooed. From spring 1943 the tattoo was used to mark all deportees.





List drawn up by the camp prisoners' employment office mentioning a work-detail of prisoners who made tattoos of camp serial numbers.


Letter from the Main Reich Economic & Administrative Office & the copy of a letter from the Reich Security Main Office on taking photographs of protective custody prisoners when sending them to concentration camps.



Prisoners' distinguishing marks at KL Auschwitz


Political prisoners




Soviet prisoners of war


Exponents of the bible / Jehova witnesses


The way of marking Jewish prisoners until the second half of 1944 / Triangle defining the category prisoners belonged to used to be sewn on a yellow triangle.


The way of marking Jewish prisoners from the second half of 1944.


Special distinguishing marks


Prisoners placed in the penal company

Prisoners placed in the camp preventively

Reformatory prisoners

Police prisoners

Prisoners suspected of planning an escape


The colour of a triangle depended on the cause of arrest & determined the category prisoners belongs to. on triangles was placed the first letter of a prisoner's nationality in German/ It did not concern prisoners of German nationality/.






Insignia worn by prisoners on their clothing - a pattern sent to concentration camps by the SS authorities.

Punishment report of the camp commander's office with the request for administering a penalty of flogging for a prisoner who replaced a Jewish star with a red triangle. The report includes also an order to confirm the execution of penalty.


Letter from the Main Reich Economic & Administrative Office to concentration camps with an order to use substitute clothing & limit distribution of warmer clothes in connection with the difficulties in provision.

Punishment report requesting a penalty for a prisoner who used a towel to make it into foot wrapping.



Constant starvation belonged to the main factors of degradation & extermination of prisoners. Daily ration of food contained 1500-1700 Kcal. While prisoners had to work approx. 11 hours every day. Prisoners who could not find additional source of food mostly died after several months of staying in the camp.


The results of the starvation

On the 27-th of January 1945 the Soviet army liberated the camp together with approx. 7500 prisoners who as a result of illnesses & emaciation were not able to depart with others in evacuation march.


Jewish girl from Hungary - 2 years old. one of riplets on whom conducted his experiments DR mengele. 


 A Jew from Hungary - 14 years old.


Jewish girl from Hungary - 10 years old. Her twin sister died immediately after camp liberation


Polish woman - 31 years old in KL Auschwitz since May 1943. before she was put in the camp she weighed approx. 75 Kg & was 160 cm tall. At the moment of taking this photograph she weighed 25 Kg.


Jewish woman from Belgium - 37 years old in KL Auschwitz since April 1944. Before she was put in the camp she weighed 60 Kg. & was 168 cm tall. At the moment of taking this photograph she weighed 35 Kg.


Jewish woman form Holland - 37 years old. in KL Auschwitz since October 1944. Before she was put in the camp she weighed 47 Kg & was 155 cm tall. At the moment of taking this photograph she weighed 23 Kg.


Photographs of women taken in May 1945 show liberated prisoners after intensive four-month-long medical care. The photographs of children were taken immediately after the liberation.












 Getting up



 Kommando on the way to work


 Returning form work


 Work - wheelbarrows


 Work - carrying a beam


 Returning from work


 Serving out supper






Jude 7537

KL Auschwitz

Janina Bleigerg - Jew from Poland, 16 years old. in Auschwitz since 30 May 1942, Survived.


 Pole 11617
Kazimierz Koper - Pole, 14 years old. in Auschwitz since 5 April 1941, Did not survive.


 Pole 12381

Mieczyslaw Piotrowski - Pole, 15 years old. in Auschwitz since 6 April 1941, Died in 1942





Nazis deported to KL Auschwitz about 232,000 children & youth, including 216,000 Jewish children, 11,000 Gypsy children, 3,000 Polish children & 1,000 Slav children of other nationalities.

The majority of the Jewish children perished in the gas chamber immediately upon arrival. Altogether about 22,000 children & youth of various nationalities were registerd as prisoners at KL Auschwitz. on 27-th January 1945 the red army soldiers liberated at the camp about 650 children & youth, including 450 under 15.


KL Auschwitz II - Birkenau

Gipsy children victims of medical experiments of Josef Mengele



"Mother & child" - artificial stone

Matka i Dziecho - sztuczny kamien

Anna Raynoch - Brzozowska



KL Auschwitz 1945

Amonng the liberated were children too