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Block 4. Extermination. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp) 본문


Block 4. Extermination. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp)

세계속으로 2012. 7. 22. 13:00

Block 4. Extermination. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz camp). 






 " The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again"

George Santayana



Main sites - Ghettos, Transit camps & prisons

From where jews & prisoners of other nationalities were deported to KL Auschwitz.





 "Jews are a race that must be totally exterminated"

Hans Frank 1944

/Governer General in Nazi Occupied Poland/


"We must free the German nation of Poles, Russians, Jews & Gypsies"

Otto Thierack

/Minister of Justice of the Third Reich/




Auschwitz was the largest Nazi German concentration camp & death camp

In the years 1940-1945,

The Zazis deported at least

1,300,000 people to Auschwitz:

1,100,000 Jews,

   140,000 - 150,000 Poles,

     23,000 Roma (Gypsies),

     15,000 Soviet prisoners of war,

     25,000 Prisoners from other ethnic groups,

1,100,000 of these people died in Auschwitz.

Approximately 90% of the victims were Jews.

The SS murdered the major TY of them in the gas chambers.



- Jews brought from Hungary



June 1940

Beginning of deportations of Poles. The Nazis sent to the camp 140-150 thousand Polish prisoner half of them perished.


June 1941
Beginning of deportations of 25 thousand prisoners of various nationalities. About half of them Perished,


Summer 1941

Beginning of deportations of 15 thousand Soviet Pows.

Most of them perished.


March 1942

Beginning of mass deportations of 1,1 million European Jews.

Auschwitz started fulfilling two function: While remaning a concentration camp, it became a site of the Holocaust, The biggest mass murder in the history of mankind, perpetrated by the Nazis. About 1 million deported Jews were murdered by the SS mainly in Gas Chambers.


February 1943

Beginning of deportations of 23 thousand Roma (Gypsies) 21 thousand of them perished.



The first transport of 728 Polish political prisoners, among whom there were several Polish Jews, arrived in Auschwitz from Tarnow on June 14, 1940



Polish civilians being expelled from the Zamosc region to make way  for German   settlers, 1942-1943.


Soviet prisoners of war in the occupied part of the USSR, 1941.


 Franciscan monks from Niepokolanow being arrested, 1939


The transit camp in Pruszkow, where Polish civilians arrested during the Warsaw uprising in 1944 were held before being deported to Auschwitz.


The expulsion of Roma (Gypsies) from occupied Poland-Sulkowice (Near Andrychow), 1943


Estimated number of Jews deported to Auschwitz:

430,000     From Hungary

300,000     From Poland

 69,000     From France

 60,000     From the Netherlands

 55,000     From Greece

 46,000     From the protectorate of Bohemia & Moravia

 27,000     From Slovakia

 25,000     From Belgium

 23,000     From Austria & Germany

 10,000     From Yugoslavia

   7,500     From Italy

      690    From Norway

Plus approximately 34,000 Jewish individuals transferred from other concentration camps.



Jews in the transit camp at Pithiviers, 1942


Jews in the transit camp at Drancy, 1942



Deportation of Jews from the Ghetto in Lodz, 1943


Deportation of Jews from the Theresienstadt Ghetto, 1943.


Deportation of Jews from Amsterdam to the Westerbork transit camp, 1942


Deportation of Jews from Wurzburg, 1942-1944


The Ghetto in Thessaloniki, 1942-1943


Resettlement of the Jewish population in the Budapest Ghetto, 1944.




 Deportations to KL Auschwitz - States borders in 1937



KL Auschwitz II Birkenau


 KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

Arrival of Jews from Hungary


  KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

Arrival of Jews from Hungary


 KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

- Before the selection




  KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

Preparing to selection


  KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

Selection of Jews deportation




  KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

On the way to death



  KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

After the selection


Extermination technique



KL Auschwitz II Birkenau 1944

Jewish women driven to a gas chamber.


Model of the gas chamber & crematorium II

Which worked since March 1943 Until November 1944

in Auschwitz II - Birkenau.






 Constructinal drawing of gas chamber & crematorium II


Furnace room of crematorium II









Exploating the corpses





 Announcement informing German Jews about their Deportatio to the east



 KL Auschwitz II - Birkenau

January 1945 Burning camp warehouses/The so called Canada II


 Camp warehouses (The so called Canada I)



 Belongings being sorted in the camp warehouses (The so-called Canada I)







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