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콘스탄티누스의 개선문 (Arco di Constantino. The Arch of Constantine ). 로마 (Rome) 본문

서유럽/이탈리아 (Italy)

콘스탄티누스의 개선문 (Arco di Constantino. The Arch of Constantine ). 로마 (Rome)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 20. 09:43

콘스탄티누스 개선문 (Arco di Constantino.The Arch of Constantine).

로마 (Rome). 이탈리아(Italy)



콘스탄티누스 개선문은 콘스탄티누스 1세의 즉위 10년을 기념하여 원로원이 세운 것이다.

콘스탄티누스가 312년 로마에 진군할 때, 대낮에 십자가와 "이것으로 이겨라"라는 환상을 전군과 함께 보고 막센티우스군을 티베르 강 근처에서 격파했는데, 황제의 그때 싸움 장면이 이 문의 부조에 생생하게 그려져 있다. 이 사건은 기독교 공인과 제국의 통일에 획기적인 것이었다.

높이 : 21m

건축양식 : 고린도 양식

The Arch of Constantine is the largest of the three triumphal arches in a good state of preservation in Rome (69 feet in height). It was erected in the year 315 AD to celebrate the victory of  Constantine over Maxentius at the battle of  the Milvian Bridge in 312. Situated on the road normally covered by the triumphs in the stretch that goes from the Circus Maximus to the Arch of Titus, the arch was built using in part sculptures and architectural elements removed from more ancient monuments, belonging to the age of Trajan, Adrian and Marcus Aurelius. It can probably be considered as the first example of the systematic reuse of spoliation material that will go on in Romeduring all the Middle Ages. It however also represents a precious synthesis of more than two centuries of official Roman art. The arch consists of three fornices. The central fornix is the broadest and presents a rich bas-relief on all its sides. Constantine’s exploits in his campaign against Maxentius are depicted  above the minor arches. Higher up scenes of hunting and sacrifices are depicted in the tondi. Eight statues of Dacians that come from the Forum of Trajan dominate the attic. The statues flank the long inscription and the large panels of the age of Marcus Aurelius that depict episodes of the Germanic war. The bases of the Corinthian columns are decorated with allegoric figures. The Arch was incorporated in the fortress of the Frangipane family in the 12th century and was restored starting from the15th century. Large integrations of the missing parts were performed in 1733 under Pope Clement XII.