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로제타석 (The Rosetta Stone). 대영박물관(The British Museum). 런던(London) 본문

서유럽/영국 (United Kingdom)

로제타석 (The Rosetta Stone). 대영박물관(The British Museum). 런던(London)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 19. 15:47

로제타석 (The Rosetta Stone).

대영박물관(The British Museum). 런던(London). 영국(England)



1799 나폴레옹 이집트 원정군 장교 근교 로제타에서 발견한 비석.

길이 114 cm, 72 cm 이며, 모양 다듬어지지 않은 검은 현무암으로 되어 있다.

새겨 내용 국왕 프톨레마이오스 5 대한 찬사, 기원전 196년에 쓰여 이다.

프랑스 학자 샹폴리옹 고대 이집트 상형 문자 해독하는 실마리 제공하였다.



The key to Egyptian hieroglyphs


As soon as the Rosetta Stone was discovered, scholars realised that it might help decipher the mysterious Egyptian hieroglyphs, since the Greek inscription, which could be read, stated that each script on the Stone recorded the same decree.


In England & France two exceptional men were working on hieroglyphs: Thomas Young (1773-1829) & Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832). Earlier scholars had already guessed that rings, or cartouches, in hieroglyphic inscriptions probably enclosed royal names. Young used the cartouches on the Rosetta Stone to work out that some hieroglyphs wrote the sounds of the Greek royal name Ptolemy, but he thought most hieroglyphs were symbolic images


Cartouche (Written form right to left)

Cartouche decoded


On 14 September 1822, Champollion went much further. He realised that he could also read the names of earlier, native Egyptian pharaohs. & that hieroglyphs must be signs that also write ancient Egyptian language. With his knowledge of the Coptic language, the descendant of ancient Egyptian, he could start to read hieroglyphic texts.

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