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콜로세움 (Colosseo. Colosseum. Amphietheatrum Flavium)(1). 로마 (Rome) 본문

서유럽/이탈리아 (Italy)

콜로세움 (Colosseo. Colosseum. Amphietheatrum Flavium)(1). 로마 (Rome)

세계속으로 2013. 7. 20. 09:35

콜로세움 (Colosseo. Colosseum. Amphietheatrum Flavium)(1).

로마 (Rome). 이탈리아(Italy)



직경 (장측: 188 m, 단측 : 156 m), 둘레: 527 m, 외벽 높이 48m, 4층 구조물

콜로세움은 고대 로마 시대의 건축물 가운데 하나로 로마 제국 시대에 만들어진 원형 경기장이다. 현재는 로마를 대표하는 유명한 관광지로 탈바꿈하였다. 콜로세움이라는 이름은 근처에 있었던 네로 황제의 동상에서 유래한다. 원래 이름은 플라비우스 원형 극장이었다

완공 : AD 80년


Located in the archaeological heart of the city of Rome, the Flavian Amphitheatre, or, more commonly, the Colosseum, stands for monumentality and receives daily a large number of visitors attracted by the enchantment of its history and its complex architecture.

    Built in the first century CE at the behest of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty, the Colosseum, named after a colossal statue that stood nearby, until the end of the Ancient Age accommodated games of great popular appeal, such as hunts and gladiatorial fights.

    The building was, and still is today, a show in itself. In fact,  it is the largest amphitheatre not only in the city of Rome but in the world, able to offer stunning sceneries as well as services for spectators. Symbol of the pageantry of the Empire, over the centuries the Amphitheatre has changed its face and its function, offering itself as a structured space also open to the Roman community. Today, the Colosseum is a monument unto itself and unto the works of human genius, which survive time; yet it is still comfortable and dynamic, accessible on two levels offering a wide overview onto its interiors, but also short and evocative brief glimpses of the city from its outer arches.

    It also hosts temporary exhibitions related to the timeless theme of the "Ancient" and its relationship with the “Contemporary”, as well as modern performances. This outcome  of events and experiences makes the amphitheatre a new place every day, significant for all and able to tell everybody a story.