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테이블마운틴 (Table Mountain) (4). 케이프타운(Cape Town) 본문

아프리카/남아프리카 공화국 (South Africa)

테이블마운틴 (Table Mountain) (4). 케이프타운(Cape Town)

세계속으로 2013. 12. 12. 14:12

테이블마운틴 (Table Mountain)(4).

케이프타운(Cape Town). 남아프리카 공화국(South Africa)















Cape of Storms

The legendary 'Flying Dutchman' and countless other tales of shipwreck and storm, remind sailors that Cabo da Boa Esperanca can also be Cabo Tormentosa - Cape of Storms !


Ships who hug the Cape, to avoid the infamous Roaring 40's latitudes (home to a belt of winds that girdle the globe) are often confronted by equally hazardous conditions on this coast - dense mists, treacherous currents, hidden rocks and shoals. The perils of this 'chokepoint' that must be passed to round the Cape have made this one of the world's great marine graveyards.


This map shows a few of some 650 wrecks recorded on this coastline over the past   years


1. Tantallon Castle                  1901

2. Haerlem                             1647

3. Winton                              1934

4. Hoogergeest                      1692

    Jonge Thomas                   1773

    Waterloo                            1842

5. HMS Seeptre                       1799

6. Athens                               1865

7. Thermopylae                        1899

8. Fame                                  1822

9. Schuzlenberg                       1756

10. Huis te Crayesteyn               1698

     Antipolis                             1977

11. Romella                              1977

12. Maori                                 1909

     Oakburn                              1906

13. Kakapo                               1900

14. THomas T Tucker                  1942

15. Phyllisia                                1968

16. Lusitania                              1911

17. SAS Good Hope                    1978

     SAS Transvaal                        1978

18. Bato                                     1806

19. Phoenix                                1829

20. Clan Stuart                             1914

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Tapestry of Life

The Mountain may appear to be a botanical paradise. and a zoological desert ! But look closer. Beneath these shrubs a teeming world of small creatures thrive - many, thanks to their unique partnerships with plants


Some fynbos species, for example, rely on Pugnacious Ants to bury their seeds, protecting them from fire and predators. In exchange, seeds reward ants with a sweet detachable 'snack' called an elaiosome. The cerebrated Red Disa might not exist were it not for the Mountain Pride Butterfly, which favours the nectar of red flowers. Many ericas and proteas would not be pollinated without the long, nectar-seeking beaks of sunbirds. Some plants even offer specialised protection to their partners - beetles and flies enjoy a safe haven on the Blister Bush, which is toxic and irritating to larger predators.


Many less visible inhabitants of this mountain - frogs, rodents, snakes, birds and a staggering diversity of insect species - live and interactin this world of stems, roots, rocks and crevices, each one a small but vital part of this complex tapestry of life

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Maclear's Beacon

A 45 minute walk form here, you will find the highest point on Table Mountain, named after Sir Thomas Maclear, celebrated Astronomer Royal at the Cape. In 1844 he built this 3 m cairn as part of his efforts to measure the arc of meridian of the earth - work begun a century before by French astronomer, Abbe Nicolas-Louis de la Caille.


Caille is perhaps the unsung hero of Cape astronomy - during his stay here he observed more than 10,000 stars. His tribute to this mountain was his naming of Mons Mensa (Latin for Table Mountain) found near the Southern Cross and the Large Magellanic Cloud (representing the Tablecloth) - the only constellation named after a geographical feature in the world


Note :

The trail to Maclear's Beacon falls outside the interpretive Route and crosses the Central and Eastern Table. This walk takes at least 45 minutes each way. Do not attempt it in heavy cloud, mist of  visibility is poor

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