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테오티와칸(Teotihuacán) 안내도 본문
테오티와칸(Teotihuacán) 안내도. 멕시코(Mexico)
Around 2,400 years ago, the Valley of Teotihuacan was occupied by various rural communities with a population of approximately 5,000 inhabitants within an area covering 2.5~3.7 sq. mi. Toward 200 B.C., part of the population from the Southern Basin of Mexico, immigrates to the north of Lake Texcoco. This resulted in a reorganization of the settlements and a new population center was formed in the Valley. In this way, the first planned urban settlement in Mesoamerica was born
During the following phases of the development of the City, a sophisticated level of urbanization was reached as demonstrated by an urban plan with streets and blocks, dominated by two large perpendicular roadways running through them : the Avenue of the Dead and the East-West Avenue. Likewise, the urban planning was evidenced by drainage and a sewage system in the residential units, buildings and public plazas, as well as by an official architectural style characterized as the talud-tablero (slope-panel)
As its peak, the city occupied an area of approximately 14.3 sq. mi,, with a population of 175,000 inhabitants. The demographic increase, the economic development and the high level of specialization required to satisfy the needs of the population, generated great social differences, as well as an important expansion in the arts and science. The principal element of the government was religion; it dealt with a theocratic society with controlled not only the Valley of Teotihuacan, but the neighboring valleys of the Basin of Mexico as well.
Throghout the city different levels of construction can be appreciated, which demonstrate how the city grew on top of itself during nine centuries. In this way, one can observe the superimposed buildings which correspond to different stages in the development of the Teotihuacan Culture, until its fall around 700-750 A.D.
After the city was abandoned and until the arrival of the Spanish, various cultural groups, such as the Toltecs and the Aztecs respected it as a Sacred City. Settlements established themselves on the outskirts, reoccupying the residential zones and the spring fed agricultural areas. Welcome to Teotihuacan: "The place where men become gods".
- 안내문에서 -
1987년 유네스코 지정 세계문화유산, 풀리지 않는 신비를 간직한 테오티우아칸
테오티우아칸(Teotihuacan Archeological Zone)은 멕시코에서 가장 보존이 잘된 아메리카 대륙 원주민 도시로 손꼽힌다. 북미대륙 끝자락에 위치하고 있는 멕시코의 동쪽에 위치한 거대한 고대도시이다. AD 150년경에 세워져 1908년 복원된 70m 높이에 248계단인 해의 피라미드을 비롯해 많은 피라미드들이 산재해 있다. 야간에 테오티우아칸을 방문하면 조명 장치를 통해 더욱 아름답고 웅장한 장관을 연출하면 피라미드를 볼 수 있다.
AD2세기에 완성되었을 것으로 추정되는 해의 피라미드(Pyramid of the Sun)은 세계에서 가장 크기가 큰 피라미드 중의 하나이다. 볕에 말린 벽돌과 흙으로 만들어졌고, 그 위는 자갈과 돌이 덮고 있으며 밝은 색의 치장 회반죽이 피라미드의 특이한 빛을 발산한다. 피라미드 내부는 미로처럼 방과 터널들이 이어져 있다.
4층으로 이루어진 달의 피라미드(Pyramid of the Moon)은 해의 피라미드보다 크기가 작지만, 해의 피라미드보다 높은 지역에 위치하여 높이 솟아있어 테오티우아이 한눈에 들어오는 멋진 전망을 선사한다.
2.5km에 달해는 테오티우아칸의 중심거리인 죽음의 길(The Avenue of the Dead)은 테오티우아칸을 두개로 확연히 구분짓고 있다. 피라미드는 이 길을 중심으로 양쪽에 건설되었고, 전체적인
도시의 윤곽이 이 길을 시작으로 설계되었다고 알려졌다.
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