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빈사의 사자상(Löwendenkmal. Lion monument). 루체른(Luzern) 본문
빈사의 사자상(Löwendenkmal. Lion monument).
루체른(Luzern). 스위스(Swiss)
라틴어로 스위스의 충성심과 용감함.
To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss
프랑스 혁명이 발생(1789년) 하고 3년 뒤인 1792년 8월 10일, 튈르리 궁전에서 루이 16세 일가를 지키다 전멸한 786명의 라이슬로이퍼 장병들 스위스 용병을 기리기 위해 1821년 덴마크의 조각가 베르텔 토르발드젠(Torwaldsen)이 암벽에 사자상을 조각하였다.
(독일 출신인 카스 아호른에 의해 완성)
사자 조각상의 크기는 어마어마하나 사자 조각상의 태도는 고귀하고 순결하게 조각되어 있다.
사자의 머리는 수그리고 있으며, 부러진 창은 사자의 어깨를 찔렀다.
사자의 발은 백합모양의 방패 (프랑스 부르봉 왕가의 문장)를 마지막 순간까지 지키고 있다.
많은 전쟁에 참전하여 용맹함을 인정 받았던 스위스의 용병을 기리기 위해 만들어진 사자상.
사자가 고통스럽게 최후를 맞이하는 모습이 묘사되어 있으며, 그 표정이 슬프고 숙연함 마저 흐른다.
마크 트웨인은 이 조각상을 "세계에서 가장 슬프고도 감동적인 바위"라고 묘사하였으며
다른 관광지와는 달리 숙연한 분위기가 흐른다."이라고 극찬하였다.
It was carved out of natural rock in memory of the heroic deaths of the Swiss mercenaries at the Tuileries in 1792. Mark Twain described the Lion of Lucerne as the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world.
Gletschergarten (빙하공원)
Lowendenkmal (빈사의 사자상. Lion Monument)
The Lion Monument (Löwendenkmal)
The Lion Monument (German: Löwendenkmal), or the Lion of Lucerne, is a sculpture in Lucerne, Switzerland, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen. It commemorates the Swiss Guards who were massacred in 1792 during the French Revolution, when revolutionaries stormed the Tuileries Palace in Paris, France. The American writer Mark Twain (1835-1910) praised the sculpture of a mortally-wounded lion as "the most mournful and moving piece of stone in the world."
From the early 17th century, a regiment of Swiss mercenaries had served as part of teh Royal Household of France. on 6 October 1789, King Louis XVI had been forced to move with his family from the Palace of Versailles to the Thileries Palace in Paris. In June 1791 he tried to flee abroad. In the 1791 10th of August Insurrection, revolutionaries a stormed the palace. Fighting broke out spontaneosly after the Royal Family had been escorted from the Tuileries to take refuge with teh Legislative Assembly. The Swiss ran low on ammunition and wer overwhelmed by superior numbers. A note written by the King has survived, ordering the Swiss to retire and return to their barracks, but this was only acted on after their position had become untenable.
Or the Swiss Guards defending the Tuileris, more than six hundred were killed during the fighting or massacred after surrender. An estimated two hundred more died in prison of their wounds or were killed during the September Massacres that followed. Apart from about a hundred Swiss who escaped from the Tuileries, the only survivors of the regiment were a 300 strong detachment which had been sent to Normandy a few days before August 10. The Swiss officers were mostly amongst those massacred, although Major Karl Josef von Bachmann - in command at the Tuileries - was formally tried and guilotined in September, still wearing his red uniform coat. However two surviving Swiss officers went on to reach senior rank under Napoleon.
The initiative to create the monument was taken by Karl Pfyffer von Altishofen, an officer of the Guards who had been on leave in Lucerne at that time of the fight. He began collecting money in 1818. The monument was designed by Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen, and finally hewn in 1820-21 by Lukas Ahorn, in a former sandstone quarry near Lucerne.
The monument is dedicated Helvetiorum Fidei ac Virtuti ("To the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss"). the dying lion is portrayed impaled by a spear, covering a shield bearing the fleur-de-lis of the French monarchy; beside him is another shield bearing the coat of arms of Switzerland. The inscription below the sculpture lists the names of the officers, and approximate numbers of the soldiers who died (DCCLX = 760), and survived (CCCL = 350).
Before completing the monument, the artist, Bertel Thorvaldsen, was told that not enough money had been raised to pay for his services and that he would not be fully paid for his work. Thorvaldsen wanted to make a public statement about his disdain for the situation. Out of respect for the fallen soldiers he chose not to damage the sculpture itself and decided instead to change the shape of the nook the lion lay inside. The outside edge remains in the shape of a pig to this day' a subtle but clear message of his feelings.
The pose of the lion was copied in 1894 by Thomas M. Brady (1849-1907) for his Lion of Atlanta in the Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta, Georgia.
Luzern Tourismus - Tourist Board / Bahnhofstrasse 3
CH-6002 Lucerne / Tel. +41 (0)41 227 17 17 / Fax + 41 (0)41 227 17 18
Luzern@luzern.com / www.luzern.com
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