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그랑 플라스(Grand Place) 파노라마. 브뤼셀(Brussels. Bruxelles) 본문


그랑 플라스(Grand Place) 파노라마. 브뤼셀(Brussels. Bruxelles)

세계속으로 2018. 7. 25. 08:41

그랑 플라스(Grand Place) 파노라마.

브뤼셀(Brussels. Bruxelles). 벨기에(Belgium)


The Grand-Place is the central square of the City of Brussels.

All over the world it is known for its decorative and aesthetic wealth.

The Grand-Place is surrounded by the guild houses, the City Hall and the Maison du Roi.

The Grand-Place is considered as one of the most beautiful places of the world.

The Grand-Place of Brussels was registered on the World Heritage List of the UNESCO in 1998.