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투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda) 본문


투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda)

세계속으로 2019. 6. 4. 11:35

투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine).

투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania)



"The Prehistoric Village from Sandulesti" reconstructs life as it was several thousand years ago. A rich archeological material has been discovered in 2006 on Transylvania Highway, not far from Turda. The oldest items on display belong to the Upper Neolithic and the Aeneolithic. 5000 years ago people came out of the caves in Turenilor Gorge in order to settle this open ground, building dozens of small dwellings, hunting and fishing along Turenilor Valley, rasing animals, and starting to practice a type of primitive agriculture. The settlement went trough a phase of maximun development during the Bronze Age (the Wietenberg Culture, 1700-1400/1350 B.C.).

Migration Era

The Germanic princely tomb from the end of the 5th century A.D. was discovered in 1996 in the baths of the legionary fort. The woman buried there had died between the age of 35 and 45. Her jewelry items, cosmetic artifacts, and even small fragments of clothing have been preserved: small glass beads, two silver, partially gilded brooches, a large buckle made of silver, gold and almandines, a bone comb and a round metal mirror, earrrings, made of gold and almandines. All aristocratic women of the Germanic tribes, including the Merovingian queens, wore such jewelry items, that spread throughout Europe during the 5th century.

Middle Ages

The items on display, dated between the 9th and the 18th century, illustrate deeds and events that took place between the dawn of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period; they also bring to light an interesting and less known page from the history of the settlement. Beside monetary hoards and weapons, one can admire extremely diverse tools and artifacts, products of the guilds of Turda. The objects in this exhibition rooms reflect, from an archaeological, historical, artistic, cultural, and religious perspective, the development of the communities inhabiting this area of Transylvania.

State Diet Painting

The painting signed by Korosfoi-Kriesch Aladar renders the historical moment when freedom of conscience and religious tolerance were declared during the Diet of Turda (6-13 January 1568). The painting ordered by the Community of the City of Turda, was created in Stremt, Alba County, in 1895-1896. The art work was shown to the public in 1896, in Budapest. In 1898 the painting returned to Turda and was exhibited in the festive hall of the Town Hill, and subsequently ended up in the collection of the History Museum in Turda.

Roman Age

Roman artifacts represent ca. 70% of the patrimony of the museum in Turda and were discovered in the fort of the Fifth Macedonica Legion or on the territory of the ancient city of Potaissa. one of the rooms of the Princely Palace displays aspects of daily life and craftsmanship in Potaissa, while in another large room we have attempte dto recreate a suggestive view of the fort, by presenting the main researched complexes (the baths and the commanding officers' building). The beauty of the bronze scale weights with incised silver letters betrays the talent of the masters from Potaissa. The chain mail on display is probably the best preserved chain fragment from the former Roman Empire.

Roma Lapidary

The museum's lapidary reunites Roman epigraphic and sculptural monuments discovered on various spots in the city. The funerary monuments and votive altars exhibited in the building's basement provide data both on the political life and social standing of the dedicators and on their gods and beliefs.

Modern Era

The Modern History Collection of the museum has been for

Visit the Museum

Address :

Turda, B.P. Hasdeu St. 2. Ci.

Tel/Fax: 0264-313826

e-mail :

Opening hours:


Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-17:00

Saturday-Sunday: 11:00-19:00


Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Monday closed

Last entry 40 min, before closing time.


Full-price ticket: 6 lei

Half-price for pupils/students/retired

Casa Camarii de Sare - Muzeul de Istorie Turda

Did you know ?

- In the past salt was one of the earliest forms of payment (Latin sal, salis, Accusative salem). The term salary has been borrowed from the Latin salarium: "sum of money for buying salt", as the product was given to soldiers and employees during the Roman period. Another possibility is that it derives from the French slaire. According to Jean Fourastie, the origin of the term resides in the "allocation in coin that allowed soldiers from the Roman legions to buy a bit of salt in order to preserve their rations in the days when it contained meat in abundance."

- The count of the Salt Chamber House in Turda earned 1,000 florins annually (10,000 denarii - before 1541), plus a certain sum each month to pay 100-200 horseback soldiers.

- The pay of a salt cutter varied between 6 and 10 denarii, reaching up to 20 denarri a day. Such workers could reach a maximum annual salary of 100 florins (1,000 denarii).

- These are some market prices in the middle of the 16th century

  1 egg ---------- 1 denarius

  1 hen --------- 8-12 denarii

  1 lamb --------  32 denarii

  1 piglet -------- 35 denarii.

The Salt Chamber House - engraving 18th century

Axes used to cut the salt (beginning of 18th century)

Salt cutters, Turda Salt Mine (end of 19th century - beginning of 20th century)

The Salt Chamber House - The History Museum in Turda

The Salt Chamber House - engraving - 19th century


In the historical center, near the Reformed church with a tower and pulled back from the street front, ine can find one of the most representative medieval civilian constructions from Turda, that still preserves Gothic and Renaissance elements. The Salt Chamber House or the Princely House of old hosts today the History Museum, with a rich and valuable cultural patrimony.

Museum visitors have the opportunity to discover life in a 5,000-year old prehistoric village and the daily life of the Roman soldiers stationed in the fort of the Fifth Macedonica Legion. In the room dedicated to the Migration Period one can admire the jewelry set of a Germanic princess of the 5th century A.D. The painting created by Korosfoi-Kriesch Aladar testifies to the declaration of the freedom of conscience and of religious tolerance in the Diet of Turda between January 6th and 13th 1568

The austere building, with an upper floor, built during the 15th century and extened during the rule of Sigismund Bathory, prince of Transylvania, was used as princely residence during the Diet meetins, but also preserved its original function of Salt Chamber House. Placed under the administration of the Royal Treasury, the Salt Chamber in Turda was the most important such chamber from Transylvania (the others were located in Dej, Sic, Cojocna, and Ocna Sibiului). The salt mines around the city covered the best part of the salt requirement of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary.

The Salt Chamber in Turda consisted of the mines themselves, the Chamber House, and estates located on the border of the city's territory. The townsfolk had certain obligations to the Chamber, consisting of free labor (gratuitus labor): mowing and transporting the hay from the Chamber's hay fields, cutting and transporting timber for buildings and domestic fires, filling the ice house, collecting and transporting the tithe to the Chamber House, transporting grain to the mill, maintenance works at the salt mines etc.

The Salt Chamber House at the beginning of the 20th century

Lamps (19th century)

The History Museum in Turda - after the 1997-2011 restoration works