목록베네룩스 (650)
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Mother Combing Her Child's Hair, known as 'Hunting for Lice' 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Gerard ter BorchMother Combing Her Child's Hair, known as 'Hunting for Lice'c. 1652 - 1653 A mother is carefully combing her child’s hair in search of lice. The boy is undergoing the inspection stoically. Ter Borch pai..
진주귀걸이를 한 소녀(Girl with a Pearl Earring). 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring c. 1665 Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most famous painting. It is not a portrait, but a ‘tronie’ – a painting of an imaginary figure. Tronies depict a certain type..
델프트의 풍경(View of Delft). 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Johannes VermeerView of Delftc. 1660 - 1661 This is the most famous cityscape of the Dutch Golden Age. The interplay of light and shade, the impressive cloudy sky and the subtle reflections in the water make this painting an absolute masterpiece..
Portrait of Catharina Belgica (1578-1648). 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Portrait of Catharina Belgica (1578-1648) 1617