목록베네룩스 (650)
일상 탈출...
The Triumph of Rome: The Youthful Emperor Constantine Honouring Rome. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Peter Paul Rubens The Triumph of Rome: The Youthful Emperor Constantine Honouring Rome c. 1622 - 1623 The Roman patroness is seated on a throne. At her feet lies a she-wolf suckling twins – the symbol of Rome...
Christ's Descent into Limbo. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Jan Brueghel the Elder, Hans RottenhammerChrist's Descent into Limbo 1597 After his death, Christ was supposed to have descended into the underworld, to free Adam and Eve, and all the righteous, and take them up to heaven. This descent is depicted here..
Old Woman and Boy with Candles. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Peter Paul Rubens Old Woman and Boy with Candles c. 1616 - 1617 An old woman gazes ahead, shielding her eyes from the candlelight, while the boy behind her holds his candle, ready to be lit. The panel is painted in the style of Caravaggio, whose wor..
Triptych with the Virgin and Child, John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene. 마우리츠하위스(Mauritshuis). 덴하그(Den Haag, 헤이그:Hague). 네덜란드(Netherland) Jan ProvoostTriptych with the Virgin and Child, John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalenec. 1520 - 1525 In the centre of this triptych is the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus. The child is sitting on a gold br..