목록북유럽 (567)
일상 탈출...
Stampar Crater Row 안내. 아이슬란드(Iceland) Stampar Crater Row Two volcanic fissures lie from the sea onto land on the western side of Reykjanes and form a series of craters. These crater series have been named Stampar. The crater series are from two periods. This series lies in the SW-NE direction and follow thereby the most common fissure angle in Reykjanes. The older..
Stampar Crater Row. 아이슬란드(Iceland) 분화구에서 분화구로 올라갑니다 ▲ 지열발전소 ▲ Sandvik ▲ Brú Milli heimsálfa 분화구 열선 분화구(Stampar Crater Row) ▲ Sandvik
Brú milli heimsálfa에서 Stampar 로. 아이슬란드(Iceland)
Brú milli heimsálfa(Bridge between continents. Miðlína. 행운아 레이프 다리) 파노라마. 아이슬란드(Iceland) visitreykjanes.is hiticeland.com 왼쪽이 북미판. 오른쪽이 유라시아판 1년에 2cm 정도 이동 Bridge between Europe and North America on Reykjanes Peninsula. The lava-scarred Reykjanes peninsula lies on one of the world's maj..