목록북유럽 (567)
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Jón Sigurðsson statue. 레이캬비크(Reykjavík). 아이슬란드(Iceland) Jón Sigurðsson forseti 17.6.1811 ~ 7.12.1879 Leader of Iceland's independence movement.
Austurvöllur(The East Field). 레이캬비크(Reykjavík). 아이슬란드(Iceland) Hotel Borg by Keahotels Dómkirkjan(Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík) : 루터교 본산 의회(Parliament house. Alþingi) Jón Sigurðsson forseti ▲ The Black Cone, Monument to Civil Disobedience
Austurvöllur(The East Field). 레이캬비크(Reykjavík). 아이슬란드(Iceland) 1820 Austurvöllur(The East Filed) In olden times, when Reykjavik was simply a farm, Austurvöllur (the East Field) was its best grassfield, and much larger than it is today. It extended over much of what is now the old centre of Reykjavik: from Aðalstræti to Lækjargata, a..