목록서유럽/바티칸시국 (26)
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뮤즈 여신의 방 (Sala delle Muse). 바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani). 바티칸 시국 Sala delle Muse The Hall of the Muses has been open to the public since 1784. It was originally designed for the display of a series of sculptures found near Tivoli. The major part of the works on show were found between 1773 and 1779 during excavations led by Domenico De Angelis and G..
동물의 방 (Sala degli Animali. Hall of the Animals). 바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani). 바티칸 시국 Sala degli Animali The double space which is the Hall of the Animals was built under Pius VI (1775-1799) by extending a pre-existing room to the north. This room was then known as the room of the Torso because for a long time it contained the famous Belvedere Torso. It..
라오콘 (Laocoonte. Laocoon). 벨 베데레의 정원. 바티칸 박물관 (Musei Vaticani). 바티칸 시국 (Citta del Vaticano) Laocoon This statue group was found in 1506 on the Esquiline Hill in Rome and immediately identified as the Laocoon described by Pliny the Elder as a masterpiece of the sculptors of Rhodes. The story is that during the Trojan War, Laocoon, a pries..
벨 베데레의 정원 (Cortile Ottagonate. Cortile del Belvedere). 바티칸 박물관(Musei Vaticani). 바티칸 시국 Divinita fluviale (Arno) River god (Arno) This statue, which shows the river god in a traditional reclining pose, dates from the time of the Emperor Hadrian and was inspired by a Greek prototype. In the early 16th century it was displayed in the Courtyard o..