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목록서유럽 (2814)
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The Fork. 브베(Vevey). 스위스(Swiss) The Fork - A Lake Geneva Landmark Jean-Pierre Zaugg designed this work of art in 1995, to commemorate the Allmentarium Food Museum's 10th anniversary. These 8 metres of sparkling stainless steel reflect the serenity of Lake Geneva and the surrounding landscape.
서유럽/스위스 (Swiss)
2016. 7. 6. 11:24
미하이 에미네스쿠(Mihai Eminescu) 흉상(Bust). 브베(Vevey). 스위스(Swiss) 미하이 에미네스쿠(Mihail Eminescu) The last romantic Anthologie de la roesie Luceafarul (금성)(1883) poésie d amore 1850. 1. 15 - 1889. 6. 15 본명 : 미하이 에미노비치(Mihail Eminovici)
서유럽/스위스 (Swiss)
2016. 7. 6. 11:23