목록서유럽 (2814)
일상 탈출...
베른 시청사(City Hall. Rathaus. Town hall). 베른(Bern). 스위스(Swiss) sta.be.ch 1406-1417년에 건축하였으며, 수백년에 걸쳐 여러번 개조 1939년-1942년에는 1층을 완전히 개조함 In its long existence it has survived the Burgundian Wars, Reformation and Revolution. To this day it is the seat of the cantonal government, where the Bernese Cantona..
성베드로 & 바울 성당(Kirche St. Peter und Paul). 베른(Bern). 스위스(Swiss) christkatholisch.ch 1858년에 종교개혁이후 도시에서 첫번째 카톨릭 교구 교회로 지은 건물
Französische Kirche(The French Church). 베른(Bern). 스위스(Swiss) paroisse.refbern.ch The french ChurchThis church, built in the period from 1270 to 1285 as part of the Dominican monastery that was founded in 1269, is now the city's oldest church. As of 1623 it served as a church for French-speaking Protestants and became a haven for Huguenot refugees after 1685. 출..