목록아프리카/남아프리카 공화국 (South Africa) (167)
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불더스 비취 (Boulders Beach)(4). 케이프 타운(Cape Town). 남아프리카 공화국(South Africa) 크게 보기
Boulders vegetation rehabilitation. 케이프타운(Cape Town). 남아공(South Africa) Penguins negatively affect the younger vegetation through direct trampling and by removing soft foliage for nesting material. Excessive trampling and vegetation removal can lead to gaps in the vegetation and soil erosion. The rehabilitation process is started by fencing off 'exclusion areas'..
Penguin's life. 불더스비취(Boulder beach). 케이프타운(Cape Town). 남아공(South Africa) Penguin's life - Growing up Nesting Being unable to fly, penguins must construct their nests on the ground. Nests range from a shallow scrape in the open to burrows in sand or guano. They are alos quick to use artificial structures. Breeding space African Penguins are social bree..