목록아프리카 (291)
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Curio Market. 리빙스턴(Livingstone). 잠비아 (Zambia) Mukuni Victoria Falls Curio Market www.mukunicuriomarket.com P.O. Box 60127, Livingstone. 크게 보기
빅토리아 폭포 (Victoria Falls. Mosi-Oa-Tunya)(1). 리빙스턴 (Livingstone). 잠비아 (Zambia) Caution Beware of Baboons Do not feed or throw food to Baboons Do not litter By management Notice You are in the world heritage site Note that the Commission will not be held liable for any loss or damage to personal valuables, injury, death or whatsever whilst visiting the pr..
빅토리아 폭포 입구 (Victoria Falls. Mosi-Oa-Tunya). 리빙스턴 (Livingstone). 잠비아 (Zambia) National Heritage Conservation Commission The mighty Victoria Falls World Heritage Site 빅토리아 폭포 매표소 The Victoria Falls World Heritage Site TIcket Office Building was Officially opened on 10th August, 2012 By Hon. Susan Kawandami, M.P. Deputy Minister Mini..