목록중남미/아르헨티나 (Argentina) (84)
일상 탈출...
Garganta del Diablo Trail(1). 이과수폭포(Cataratas del Iguazú). 아르헨티나(Argentina) Bienvenidos Al Paseo (Welcome to the Trail to) Garganta del Diablo Paseo Garganta del Diablo (Garganta del Diablo Trail) Longitud 1100m (1100 metres long) Atención (Attention) No arroje objetos al agua. Throwing objects into the water is prohibited. Evite multas ! (Penaltie..
Garganta Station(Estación Garganta). 이과수(Cataratas del Iguazú). 아르헨티나(Argentina)
Cataratas station ↔ Garganta station. 이과수폭포(Cataratas del Iguazú). 아르헨티나(Argentina)
Cataratas station (Estación Cataratas)(2). 이과수폭포(Cataratas del Iguazú). 아르헨티나(Argentina) While the Train is in motion please do not : - Stand or walk - Lean out - Stick your arms and legs out of the yellow lines - Throw any object.