목록중남미/페루 (Peru) (262)
일상 탈출...
Museo Nacional De Arqueologia(11). 리마(Lima). 페루(Peru) <Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru> La Gesta De Tarapaca Oficial de Guardia Nacional y efectivo policial del batallon de Guardas de Arequipa. Coronel Maximo Leon Velarde oficial vencedor y veterano de la Batalla de Tarapaca A.d. Divpahis. Fotografia de la oficialidad y soldados del..
Museo Nacional De Arqueologia(10). 리마(Lima). 페루(Peru) <Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru> El Tawantinsuyu Between the XV and XVI centuries, the Andean landscape witnessed the origins and consolidation of the most important political projects of Peruvian prehistory. The Tawantinsuyu was a political and social formation that reached im..
Museo Nacional De Arqueologia(9). 리마(Lima). 페루(Peru) <Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru> Inca The land was the main source of richness, which was not dependant on possession but on the capacity to make it productive by working on it. This compelled the development of a technology that was accrued through several millenia; not only in ..
Museo Nacional De Arqueologia(8). 리마(Lima). 페루(Peru) <Museo Nacional de Arqueologia, Antropologia e Historia del Peru> Chimu / Lambayeque Chancay Sitios Arqueologicos Chimu, Lambayeque (Sican) Cronologia Y Estilo Proceso de manufactura de ceramica en molde Valva de Spondylus y diferentes etapas del tallado ▲ Chancay Ichma ▲ Chancay Clasico 크게 보기