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목록지중해/그리스(Greece) (101)
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성요한 수도원 가는길(Monastery of St. John). 밧모섬(Patmos)
성요한 수도원 가는길. 밧모섬(Patmos). 그리스(Greece) We welcome you to our Holy Monastery Please be aware that you are in a holy place of the Worship of God. Proper attitude & dress are therefore requested. Thank you.
2011. 7. 23. 16:00
성요한 수도원(안내문). Holy Monastery of St. John. 밧모섬(Patmos)
Holy Monastery of St. John.(안내문). 밧모섬(Patmos). 그리스(Greece) 성요한 수도원 The impressive architecture, the prestige fo priceless spiritual treasures that have being accumulated ove the centuries & its continual presence for almost a thousand years make the visit to the Monastery of St. John the Theologian imperative. The current version..
2011. 7. 23. 16:00