목록이탈리아 (236)
일상 탈출...
시청사(Palazzo Marino). 밀라노(Milano). 이탈리아(Italy) comune.milano.it Palazzo Marino is Milan’s city hall since 1861. The project for the building was created by architect Galeazzo Alessi from Perugia in 1558. The name of the building is due to Tommaso Marino, a rich Genoan merchant who became wealthy in Milan and wished to make it his private home. The construct..
Chiasa San Fedele(San Fedele Church). 밀라노(Milano). 이탈리아(Italy) sanfedeleartefede.it Monumento ad Alessandro Manzoni History Construction works on the church of San Fedele began in 1569, based on the design by architect Pellegrino Tibaldi (1527-1596) and commissioned by the Jesuits and the archbishop of Milan Carlo Borromeo, one of the most prominent reformers of t..
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II(1). 밀라노(Milano). 이탈리아(Italy) 크게 보기