목록Italy (227)
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곤돌라 탑승장. 베네치아(Venezia. Venice). 이탈리아(Italy) gondolieritravel.com
산 마르코 광장(San Marco Piazza) 안내도. 베네치아(Venezia. Venice). 이탈리아(Italy) Piazza San Marco patrimonio dell'umanita St. Mark's Square a World Heritage Site ST. MARK'S SQUARE 1. Piazzetta deik Leoncini 2. Clock Tower 3. Procuratie Vecchie 4. Napoleonic Wing 5. Procuratie Nuove 6. Loggetta & Bell-Tower 7. St. Mark's Basilica 8. Doge's Palace 9. Sansovino..
베네치아 시계탑(Torre dell'Orologio) (동영상). 베네치아(Venezia. Venice). 이탈리아(Italy) torreorologio.visitmuve.it
시계탑 (Clock Tower. Torre dell'Orologio). 베네치아(Venezia. Venice). 이탈리아(Italy) torreorologio.visitmuve.it Clock Tower. Torre dell'Orologio 1496-1506 This is one of the most significant Renaissance buildings in Venice. The central part was designed in 1496 by Mauro Codussi and houses the clock (whose face shows the phased of the moon and sun as well as the sign..