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목록Italy (227)
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폼페이(Pompeii). 이탈리아(Italy) Grande Progetto Pompei Operations to reduce the hydrogeological risk Controlling rainwater runoff in the unexcavated areas of Regiones III and IX is a fundamental objective for safeguarding the archaeological structures on the boundary of the Regines and preventing the risk of collapse. The exceptional rainfall of the last few years has d..
서유럽/이탈리아 (Italy)
2013. 7. 21. 10:43
폼페이(Pompeii)(Youtube 영상). 이탈리아(Italy)
폼페이(Pompeii)(Youtube 영상). 이탈리아(Italy) Pompeii: The Last Day (BBC)
서유럽/이탈리아 (Italy)
2013. 7. 21. 10:37
폼페이 유적지 입구(Piazza Porta Marina Inferiore). 폼페이(Pompeii)
폼페이 유적지 입구(Piazza Porta Marina Inferiore). 폼페이(Pompeii). 이탈리아(Italy) Mec hotel ristorante pizzeria Donadia Restraunt - Domus Pompeiana 크게 보기
서유럽/이탈리아 (Italy)
2013. 7. 21. 10:35