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Palace of Benedict XII 모형. 교황청(Palais des Papes). 아비뇽(Avignon) 본문

서유럽/프랑스 (France)

Palace of Benedict XII 모형. 교황청(Palais des Papes). 아비뇽(Avignon)

세계속으로 2014. 8. 17. 10:59

Palace of Benedict XII 모형. 교황청(Palais des Papes).

아비뇽(Avignon). 프랑스(France)



Palais de Benoît XII                    Palace of Benedect XII

Maquette au 1/200e                                        1/200th scale model

Réalisation Patrice Berger                                  Realisation Patrice Berger


And finally the Roma and most of Benedict XII's ramparts are demolished.