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King Carol's Office(Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia) 본문
King Carol's Office(Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia)
세계속으로 2019. 6. 2. 10:40King Carol's Office(Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I).
펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle).
시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania)
King Carol's Study (Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I)
It was built in 1883, in German Renaissance style, with walnut wood decoration made by H. Heymann workshops (Hamburg). The furniture is original and one can notice King's desk, a writing-desk used also for officail audiences and a lodge for private conversations. The decorative fire-place made at Munich of bisque (porcelain without glaze) is decorated with the old Romanian Kingdom coat of arms which has at its base King Carol's motto Nihil Sine Deo-Nothing without God. The two portraits signed by the American painter G.P.Healy (1813-1894) depict King Carol I and Queen Elisabeth with Princess Mărioara.
Arranged between 1875-1883 in the German Renaissance style by Heymann workshops in Hamburg was the place where the sovereign used to spend most of the day in audiences.
Oak furniture (office, desk, cabinet), unpolished ceramic fireplace and the stained-glass windows made in Germany (Zettler) and Swiss stained glass windows give a sober look to the room.
The portraits - King Carol I in the uniform of general of the Romanian Army and Queen Elizabeth together with Princess Maria (the only daughter of the royal couple), were worked by the famous American artist George Peter Alexander Healy. The silver and half - jewelry jubilee jar worked by Paul Telge (Berlin) was offered to King Carol at his 70th anniversary.
Hall of weapons 에서 King Carol's Office 로 이동
King Carol's Office