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The Royal Library(Biblioteca). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia) 본문


The Royal Library(Biblioteca). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia)

세계속으로 2019. 6. 2. 10:44

The Royal Library(Biblioteca).

펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle).

시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania)

The Library (Biblioteca)

It was built in 1883 in German Neo-Renaissance style and decorated in oak wood. The books are originals covering different domains such as history, are history, architecture, geography and literature and are written in Romanian, English, French and German language. on the table one can notice a letter-box painted by Queen Elisabeth, artist and writter known under pen-name Carmen Sylva and in front of the window there is a marble statue depicting the Queen tatting, made in 1910 by the sculptor Oscar Spaethe.

The German Renaissance style is strongly emphasized by the sobriety of oak wood worked in Hamburg's Heymann workshops.

The library has over 700 volumes of history, literature, medicine, geography in German, Romanian, English and French. Stained glasses windows ordered to the Zettler workshops (Münich) feature the castles of the Hohenzollern family in Germany.
Particulary for this room is the secret passage placed behind the second segment of the library. A spiral staircase leads to the first floor of the castle, on the corridor of the royal apartment.

King Carol's Office 에서 The Royal Library 로 이동

The Royal Library

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