목록동유럽 (321)
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Castle Lipidarium. 체스키 크롬로프(Český Krumlov). 체코(Czech) New Burgrave's House(Nové purkrabství) Schwarzenberg Guard The establishment of the Castle guard was initiated for representational purposes by Adam Franz of Schwarzenberg at the beginning of the 18 th century in Hluboka nad Vltavou castle. The guard was moved of Cesky Krumlov in 1742. The space on ..
IInd Courtyard of Český Krumlov Castle. 체스키 크롬로프(Český Krumlov). 체코(Czech)
IVth & IIIrd Courtyard. Upper castle. 체스키 크롬로프(Český Krumlov). 체코(Czech) IVth Courtyard of Český Krumlov Castle IVth Courtyard of Český Krumlov Castle The complex of the palaces situated around the IVth courtyard came about during the building activities from the middle of the 14th century to the 18th century. Despite the complica..