목록동유럽 (321)
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아우슈비츠 수용소 (Auschwitz concentration camp). 폴란드(Poland) The camp orchestra had to assemble here to play marches while the prisoners filed past. This was to help prisoners' keep in step & make it easier to count them as they went to & from work. SS photograph, 1941 When the SS took over the prewar Polish garrison in 1940 they used the 20 mostly one- storey bu..
Main camp gate. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Oświęcim). 폴란드(Poland) Arbeit Macht Frei ("Work is liberation") 크게 보기
Camp kitchen. 아우슈비츠수용소 (Auschwitz concentration camp). 폴란드(Poland) 크게 보기
아우슈비츠 수용소 (Auschwitz Concentration Camp) 안내. 폴란드(Poland) auschwitz.org A - Main camp gate bearing the legend Arbeit macht frei ("Work is liberating") B - Reception buildings where new prisoners were processed & registered C - Sites of execution by shooting D - Sites of execution by hanging E - Sites of mass gassing by means of Zyklon B F - Sites of ..