목록동유럽 (321)
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단두대(Guillotine). 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz Concentration Camp). 폴란드(Poland) This is where the camp Gestapo was located. Prisoners suspected of involvement in the camp's underground resistance movement or of preparing to escape were interrogated here. Many prisoners died as a result of being beaten or tortured. The first commandant of Auschwitz, SS-Oberstur..
Block 4. Extermination. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz camp). 폴란드(Poland) " The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again" George Santayana Main sites - Ghettos, Transit camps & prisons From where jews & prisoners of other nationalities were deported to KL Auschwitz. 1940-1945 "Jews are a race that must be totally exterminated" Hans Frank 19..
Block 6. Prisoners life. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp). 폴란드(Poland) Prisoners held in the concentration camp died from overwork, starvation sadistic punishments, exhaustion after prolonged roll - calls, torture, appalling living conditions, being used for medical experiments, or arbitrary execution. Those too weak or sick to work were picked out ..
Block 5. Material proofs of crimes. 아우슈비츠 수용소(Auschwitz concentration camp). 폴란드(Poland) In this barrack there is part of the belongings plundered from the victims of KL Auschwitz by SS & found after the liberation of the camp Jewish prayer shawls 구두약통 크게 보기