목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
일상 탈출...
Rudolph mine (Mina Rudolf). 투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu The Rudolph Mine (Mina Rudolf) The opening works at the Rudolph mine started after 1854, at the same time when the opening works at the Giselle mine and the carving of the Franz Joseph gallery were carried out. Its name was given in the honou..
The Theresa Mine (Mina Terezia). 투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu The Theresa Mine (Mina Terezia) It is the oldest chamber that can be visited within the Turda Salt Mine ensemble (an isolated, bell shaped mine). Exploitation of salt in this particular chamber started in 1690 and ended in 1880, and duri..
Rudolph mine 에서 Theresa mine 으로 (계단). 투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu Rudolph mine 에서 Theresia mine 으로 내려가기 위해서는 엘리베이터나 계단을 이용하면 됩니다.