목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
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The Roll Call Room (Sala de apel). 투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu The Roll Call Room (Sala de apel) When the Rudolf and Gisela mines were open the existing cone type chambers were used. From the southern extraction shaft of the Theresa mine a horizontal gallery with a length of 10 fathoms (approximat..
7. The Staircase of the rich(Scara Bogatilor). 투르다 소금광산(Salina Turda. Turda Salt Mine). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu
The Extraction Shaft Room(Joseph Mine). 투르다 소금광산(Turda Salt Mine. Salina Turda). 투르다(Turda). 루마니아(Romania) salinaturda.eu Joseph Mine (Mina losif) The extraction of salt in the Joseph mine started in 1740 and its name was given in the honour of Emperor Joseph II. One can only view the mine from the balconies carved in the salt at the level of the tra..