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Gruuthusestraat. 브뤼헤(Brugge)
Gruuthusestraat. 브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium) 성모마리아성당(Onze Lieve Vrouw Brugge, Church of Our Lady Bruges)
2018. 7. 24. 13:22
Guido Gezelleplein. 브뤼헤(Brugge)
Guido Gezelleplein. 브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium)
2018. 7. 24. 13:21
Mariastraat. 브뤼헤(Brugge)
Mariastraat. 브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium) Sint-Janshospitaal (성요한병원) Saint John’s Hospital has an eight hundred-year-old history of caring for pilgrims, travellers, the poor and the sick. Visit the medieval wards where the nuns and monks performed their work of mercy, as well as the chapel, and marvel at the impressive collection of archives, art works, med..
2018. 7. 24. 13:19
Onze Lieve Vrouw Brugge(Church of Our Lady Bruges. 성모마리아 성당). 브뤼헤(Brugge)
Onze Lieve Vrouw Brugge(Church of Our Lady Bruges. 성모마리아 성당). 브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium) 노트르담교회라고도 한다. 브뤼헤(Brugge)를 대표하는 건축물로서 13세기 중반부터 15세기 말까지 건립되었고, 현재는 교회보다는 교회 박물관으로서의 역할이 더 크다. 교회의 직급은 낮으나, 중세적 특..
2018. 7. 24. 13:19