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목록중남미/페루 (Peru) (262)
일상 탈출...
삭사이와만(Saqsaywaman)(2). 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru) 백색의 예수상 QOSQO Centro Espiritual De Los Andes Qosqo, Qoya Raymi Haukay Killa (Primavera) De 1993.
중남미/페루 (Peru)
2013. 11. 4. 16:47
라마(Llama). 삭사이와만(Saqsaywaman). 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru)
중남미/페루 (Peru)
2013. 11. 4. 16:36
삭사이와만(Saqsaywaman)(1). 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru)
중남미/페루 (Peru)
2013. 11. 4. 16:34
삭사이와만(Saqsaywaman) 오르는 길. 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru) Bienvenidos - Welcome to Parque Arqueologico Saqsaywaman Restricciones Dentro Del Parque Do not enter to restricted areas Horse backriding is not allowed Do not litter Do not climb the walls. Bicycling in restricted areas is not allowed. Rock climbing is not allowed Do not start an open fire Street vendo..
중남미/페루 (Peru)
2013. 11. 4. 16:29