목록중남미/페루 (Peru) (262)
일상 탈출...
Sacristy (Sacristía). Qorikancha. 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru)
"Milky Way" Painting. 코리칸차(Qorikancha). 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru) The painting by the Cusco-born artist Miguel Araoz shows the Milky Way in the firmament over Cusco. In the Andes, the Milky Way is known as Mayu (Celestial River). In traditional Andean culture it is more common to identify the dark patches that can be seen against the bright background of the Milky ..
코리칸차(Qorikancha). 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru)
Main Cloister & Inca Ceremonial Fountain. Qorikancha. 쿠스코(Cusco). 페루(Peru) Primer Claustro (Main Cloister) ② Fuente Ceremonial Inca (Inca Ceremonial Fountain) ⑮ The Main Cloister is the central part of the Saint Dominic Priory, founded in 1534. Beneath its arches hang paintings from the series “Life of Saint Dominic de Guzmán”, by the 17th century artist ..