목록공원 (21)
일상 탈출...
Dimitrie Ghica Park(Parcul Dimitrie Ghica). 시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania) 마로니에(Marronnier. 너도 밤나무) 학명 : Aesclus spp. 꽃말 : 천재 칠엽수(七葉樹). Horse chestnut. The Central Park (Parcul central) In 1880, along with the new distribution of the plots of land in the resort planning area, the streets trace and the building of new "healt..
Bucharest Herastrau Park. 부카레스트(Bucharest. București). 루마니아(Romania) Herăstrău Lake (Lacul Herăstrău)
King Mihai I Park(Parcul Regele Mihai I). 부카레스트(Bucharest. București). 루마니아(Romania) Herăstrău Lake (Lacul Herăstrău)
Aleea Michael Jackson. King Mihai I Park. 부카레스트(Bucharest. București). 루마니아(Romania) <Memorial Michael J. Jackson> His Music will live foreever Michael J. Jackson 29.08.1958 25.06.2009 ProFM & ProFM Michael Jackson MTV-M is for Michael ▲ Statue of Naim Frashëri