목록UNESCO (365)
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브뤼헤 종탑(Belfort van Brugge. Belfry of Bruges). 브뤼헤(Brugge). 벨기에(Belgium) visitbruges.be Belfort (Belfry & Carillon) The most important of Bruges’ towers stands 83 metres tall. It houses, amongst other things, a carillon with 47 melodious bells. In the reception area, waiting visitors can discover all kinds of interesting information about the history and ..
테일러 박물관(Teylers Museum)(1). 하를렘(Haarlem). 네덜란드(Netherland) teylersmuseum.nl 유네스코가 지정한 네덜란드의 100대 기념물 가운데 하나. 1784년에 개장하였으며, 설립자는 Pieter Teyler Van der Hulst (1702~1778) 네덜란드에서 가장 오래된 박물관이다. 1778 Teyler's Stichting 1878
Katla Geopark. 아이슬란드(Iceland) katlageopark.com Katla Geopark Katla geopark includes geological features of global significance. Over 150 volcanic eruptions have been recorded in the area since the 9th century. The eruptions created the landscape and influenced where people settled. Through the centuries, man and nature have affected the regions's history. The landscap..