목록UNESCO (365)
일상 탈출...
Öxarárfoss. 싱벨리어 국립공원(Þingvellir National Park). 아이슬란드(Iceland) europeanwaterfalls.com Öxarárfoss is an astonishing beautiful waterfall in the national park Thingvellir. It was artificially build in the Middle Ages to have water at the sacred meeting place Thingvellir. It is one of my favorite waterfalls in Iceland. In Thingvellir..
Drekkingarhylur(Drowning Pool). 싱벨리어 국립공원(Þingvellir National Park). 아이슬란드(Iceland) Drekkingarhylur (Drowning Pool) Punishments at Alþingi During the time of the Old Commonwealth (930-1262) executive powers in Iceland were very limited. At the Alflingi (national assembly) at thingvellir, laws were enacted, and cases were tried in accord with those ..
싱벨리어 국립공원(Þingvellir National Park)(5). 아이슬란드(Iceland) thingvellir.is