목록UNESCO (365)
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East Baths. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath). 영국(England) romanbaths.co.uk 원래 그레이트 바스(Great Baths)에서 나온 따뜻한 물로 채워진 두개의 작은 탕으로 이루어져 있었으며, 350년동안 수차례에 걸쳐 확장되고 재개발 되었습니다. 온돌 기둥은 모자이크로 장식된 콘크리트 바닥을 지탱하고 있..
Roof Spine Fragment. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath). 영국(England) romanbaths.co.uk Hollow bricks These formed the vault of the Great Bath and reduced its weight. It is estimated that over 20,000 were used in its construction.
Great Bath(2). 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath). 영국(England) romanbaths.co.uk
Gemstones. 로마 목욕탕(Roman Baths). 바스(Bath). 영국(England) Gemstones These gemstones were found in the Roman drain close to this spot in 1878. They all date from the late 1st century AD. They may have come from a bag that was thrown into the Spring by a gratdful jeweller or gems cutter. Alternatively, the hot water may have loosened them from the finger rings of ba..