목록UNESCO (365)
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앙부와즈 성(Château de Amboise). 르와르(Loire). 프랑스(France) ↑ 고딕양식 본궁 ↑ 르네상스식 본궁 크게 보기
앙부와즈 성(Château de Amboise)(1). 르와르(Loire). 프랑스(France) 루아르 강 언덕위에 있는 성으로 앙부아즈성 2개의 건물 중 루아르 강을 바라보고 있는것이 샤를 8세가 고딕양식으로 지었으며, 또 하나의 건물은 루이 12세와 프랑수아 1세가 증축한 부분으로 르네상스 양식이다. 영국과의 백..
성 미카엘(Saint Michael). 몽생미셀 수도원(Mont Saint Michel Abbey). 프랑스(France) Saint Michael, head of the heavenly militia, was of great importance to Medieval religious sensibility. In the New Testament, Saint Michael appears in the Book of Revelation: he fights and defeats a dragon, symbol of the devil. To Medieval man living in expectation and dread of the ..
10. Monks' Ossuary. 몽생미셀 수도원(Mont Saint Michel Abbey). 프랑스(France) From the Saint Martin crypt a small passage leads to the enormous wheel that occupies the former monks' ossuary* 10. This wheel was installed around 1820 in order to hoist provisions to the prisoners held in the abbey when it was turned into a prison. It is a replica of the pulleys used for h..