목록UNESCO (365)
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Plataforma de Venus. 치첸잇사(Chichén Itzá). 멕시코(Mexico) Also known as the Venus Platform. There are 2 different structures with this name at Chichen Itza. The first and better known one is located in the Great Plaza (Plaza of the Castle). A second Venus Platform is located near the Grave of High Priest. The Venus Platform is very similar to the one of the s..
해골의 선반 (Tzompantli). 치첸잇사(Chichén Itzá). 멕시코(Mexico) The Tzompantli 는 낮은 단으로 4 면에는 이를 드러내는 해골들이 조각되어 있다. 이 단에는 제물로 바쳐졌던 희생자들의 머리가 놓여졌을 거라 추측된다. Tzompantli is called The Wall of Skulls, which is actually an Aztec name for this kind of stru..
El Castillo o Templo de Kukulkan(쿠쿨칸의 피라미드). 치첸잇사 (Chichén Itzá). 멕시코(Mexico) This pyramid, also called the Temple of Kukulkan, is the dominant building in the northern sector of the ancient city. Together with the Platform of Venus and the sacbe (white road) leading to the Sacred Cenote, it forms a compound representative of the religiou..
UNESCO. 치첸잇사(Chichén Itzá). 멕시코(Mexico) Ciudad prehispánica de Chichen Itzá Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad Comisión Nacional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Para la UNESCO Diciembre de 1988 Mexico Estados Unidos Mexicanos UNESCO 크게 보기