목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
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루피아(Rupea)에서 시비우(Sibiu)로(2). 루마니아(Romania)
루피아(Rupea)에서 시비우(Sibiu)로(1). 루마니아(Romania)
Fortress walls (Middle and Upper)(2). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro Fortress walls (Middle and Upper) Although built in the fourteenth and fitteenth centuries, the walls have undergone renovations that changed their appearance. Changes were due to either time or needs to adapt the techniques of siege. T..
23. House D(Casuta D). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 23. House D(Casuta D) Of the nearly one hundred houses built inside the fortress during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, these are the only ones preserved up to roofs. Usually the first level of such a house was designed as storage and worksho..