목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
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12. Turnul Pentagonal. 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro
17. Tower Capos(Turnul Capos). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 17. Tower Capos(Turnul Capos) The tower with this name has been preserved close to the foundation, mid the north side of the Middle Fortress. It had its role in the firteenth century, then it lost importance, due to the enlargement of curtain ..
루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro
15. The Chapel(Capela). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 15. The Chapel It is built on four levels attached inside the western side of the Middle Fortress with desk-shaped roof initially having defensive role. The building in the XVIIth century was the dwelling of the Fortress chaplain, when a series of ar..