목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
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24. House C(Casuta C). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 24. House C(Casuta C) Of the nearly one hundred houses built inside the fortress during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, these are the only ones preserved up to roofs. Usually the first level of such a house was designed as storage and worksho..
루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) 루피아 요새에서 내려다 본 루피아
21. The Throne Chamber(Camera Scaunului). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 21. The Throne Chamber(Camera Scaunului) The imposing building on two levels, dating from the XV mid-century, located in the South Eastern corner of the first enclosure. The building was designed for assemblies and functioning of Ru..
20. 화약탑 (Powder Tower. Turnul Pulberarici). 루피아 요새(Rupea Citadel, Cetatea Rupea). 루피아(Rupea). 루마니아(Romania) rupeaturistica.ro 20. Powder Tower(Turnul Pulberarici) Originally, the gate tower linked to the first stage of using the fortification (end of the XIII century beginning of XIV century). The elevation shown two major phases of construction wi..