목록발칸반도/루마니아(Romania) (388)
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The old music room. 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania) peles.ro The old music room Located on the southern wing of the castle, the hall was built in 1883, and then (1906) transformed into the literary sessions hall of Queen Elizabeth, known under the penname Carmen Sylva. Stained glass windows worked in the Zettler worksho..
The Royal Library(Biblioteca). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania) peles.ro The Library (Biblioteca) It was built in 1883 in German Neo-Renaissance style and decorated in oak wood. The books are originals covering different domains such as history, are history, architecture, geography and literature and are written in Roman..
King Carol's Office(Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania) peles.ro King Carol's Study (Cabinetul de Lucru Al Regelui Carol I) It was built in 1883, in German Renaissance style, with walnut wood decoration made by H. Heymann workshops (Hamburg). The furniture is original and one can noti..
The Hall of Weapons(Salile de Arme)(2). 펠레슈 성(Castelul Peleș, Peles Castle). 시나이아(Sinaia). 루마니아(Romania) peles.ro Salile de Arme(The Armoury Halls) - The Small Armoury Hall Built between 1903-1908 in German Neo-Renaissance style, they are displaying the royal collection of European weapons (15th-19th c.), mostly German, but also Spanishm, French, Itali..